Omyaqua Pure

Highest purity calcite chips for mineralization in drinking water.

Omyaqua Pure

Mineralization and pH adjustment with international drinking water certification

Omyaqua Pure has been carefully chosen for drinking water applications, focusing on the exceptional purity of the minerals selected. 

Omyaqua Pure provides mineralization and pH adjustment solutions for customers worldwide and is certified by either NSF-60 and/or KIWA. 

The benefits of Omyaqua Pure

  • Worldwide availability 

  • Very high purity  

  • Certified either with NSF-60 and/or KIWA 

  • Long term security of supply  

Not all products are registered for use in all markets. Check with your local Omya representative or email for more information.

Your questions answered

Drinking water quality targets vary according to local and international regulations. 

Omyaqua Pure offers the highest purity available for drinking water mineralization, with both plant and product certified to NSF60 and KIWA. 

This certification underscores the exceptional quality and production standards we uphold to deliver Omyaqua Pure, the highest quality product available for use in drinking water treatment plants.  

The Omyaqua range includes Omyaqua, Omyaqua Boost, Omyaqua Pure, Omyaqua Dol, and Semidol. 

Water treatment consultancies

We offer technical support to customers, from the assessment of site-specific issues to the recommendation and implementation of proven solutions.

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Talk to us

For information and advice, please contact us now.
